A review by tita_noir
Laid Bear by Eve Vaughn


2.5 stars

I really have come to enjoy this writer's work even though I thoroughly hated the very first book of hers that I read and it has taken years to try her again.

I gave this book two stars not because the writing was bad. The writing was actually quite good and as an erotica, modern retelling of Goldi-Locks and the Three Bears the story was clever and well told.

I gave it two stars because it was the perfect storm of elements that tend not to resonate for me.

First, I am generally against fated mates stories. I like it when the H/h fall in love with each other through feelings and emotions and not because of some pre-destined mechanism that tends to manifest itself in uncontrollable lust. Some writers can work this trope well enough that I can get over it. But for the most part I am not on board with this. I don't think I was 100% convinced here mostly because the back-story created for why she is their mate and they must share just sounded like hooey to me.

Second, a menage is one thing, but once you start adding more people I stop reading the sex scenes and start working out the sexual logistics in my head. That is never a good thing. And it gets even squickier when siblings or cousins are involved. Yeah, the spears never cross per se, but still these guys are all cousins and they getting it on in close quarters with one woman.

And finally, Goldi... er, Zora has a crazed stalker. I hate it when crazed stalkers are shoe-horned in just so the girl can get saved.

Not bad overall, but since some of least favorite elements were present I had a hard time really enjoying the book.