A review by lucycharm9
Fever by Maya Banks

Did not finish book. Stopped at 55%.
DNF at pg 224/54% (;¬_¬)   Jace is not like the Jace I know in Mia and Gabe's book. This is not the first love at first sight book I have read but I do not get why he was attracted to Bethany in the first place. Just a pretty face, lean figure and vulnerable look that made him feel more dominant as a caretaker? It made no sense to me. I am ok with Cinderella and Mary Sue plot but it made no sense. If I am in Jace's shoe, I would the hell lost interest in Bethany when she gave her address to Jack and invited him over to Mia/Jace's property before talking and getting consent from them. Hell you know Jace care. On one side Bethany said she did not feel like she deserve it but on the other hand she invited Jack (probably involving in crime, drug, etc.) to a place that could bring trouble to people who were nice to you. Hell no logic behind and it made her look hypocritic. Ms. Banks probably design the plot this way on purpose because without Jack this story had no drama or even up and downs. But in my personal opinion this could be executed in a better way. For instance, find Jack and have a decent talk to him while have Kaden and Trevor with her but not to have Jack aware of their existence to not freak him out. Then try to help Jack to get out of his trouble and get both of them better life? The heck? If I am poor and I have all sort of good resources that I can use, I would do anything I can to make myself a better person so that I am prepare if "Jace" eventually decides to ditch me one day. 

Idk if it is because I read this 2013 book in 2022. It feels completed out of date and I just cannot finish. I might still try Ash's book since I have already bought it... The hell I even gave Gabe and Ash'a book a 3.5/4 stars.