A review by libbith220
Keturah and Lord Death by Martine Leavitt


Man I really thought I would like this more than I did :/ Fairytale-esque books are right up my alley, but this just didn't fully work for me; I found myself more irritated than charmed by it. This book was fairly short, yet I felt that it went on longer than it needed to. Certain ideas kept getting repeated, and scenes would be drawn out for...comedic reasons, maybe? But again, irritation over charm.

Usually what I like about these kinds of stories is that we get a practical heroine, yet Keturah often made decisions that I couldn't follow, misplacing her priorities. The blurb of this book makes it seem like the whole story will take place within 24 hours, since that's all Death originally gives her, but she manages to string him along for about a week (so 7 nights instead of 1001)—if I had known that going in, I wouldn't have been as bothered during that first day, when I kept thinking "you are wasting the little time you have!!" And her prolonged fixation on stupid Ben Marshall??? and getting those stupid fucking lemons??? if I didn't already hate lemon merengue pie I sure would after reading this.

I was going to be generous and give this 3 stars because there were some good qualities, e.g. the writing and the originality of the story, but I HATED the ending for one of the characters; it really discredited him, and I don't think he deserved it :(