A review by mags_louise
Misadventures of a City Girl by Chelle Bliss, Meredith Wild



I'm a huge fan of Chelle Bliss but Meredith Wild is a completely new author to me. So I was intrigued and excited by this collaboration and the actual story. Which really didn't disappoint. As not only did Misadventures of a City Girl grab my attention early but it stayed that way throughout and once I got into this story. Which honestly didn't take long. I didn't want to put it down, because it was so entertaining and enjoyable to read. Plus the characters were really great and their relationship and need for each other is what really drove this story. Which is why I would happily recommend Misadventures of a City Girl to others and can't wait to read more from the Misadventures series in the future.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC by the Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**