A review by brucefarrar
Always October by Bruce Coville


Jake Doolittle and his best friend "Weird” Lily Carker discover why Jake’s infant brother “Little Dumpling” transforms into a furry fanged monster every full moon. It all has to do with the disappearance of Jake’s dad two years ago and the writings of his grandfather, author Arthur Doolittle, who wrote horror stories set in a land called Always October. Jake and Lilly discover the setting was not just a product of Arthur’s imagination. This leads the two young heroes on a rescue mission that turns into a quest to save two worlds.

Coville and his crew of readers have crafted another delightfully creepy world of monsters some unexpectedly helpful like the bearded blue horror Keegel Farzym, high poet of Always October and all around good guy and
and some as mean and menacing as the evil orange Mazrak, kidnapper and leader of the evil Unravelers, and some others that Jake and Lilly are not sure of until they reveal themselves at the very end.