A review by kessler21
Go Ask Alice by


I am very angry with this book and the publishers of this book and the "author" of this book.

I saw a 50 year anniversary addition of Go Ask Alice at Wal-Mart. I had never heard of this book so I picked it up and was shocked to learn that this is a diary of a teenage girl and her battle with drug addiction. I wanted to get this book and one day, have my children read this book. I was slightly offended that I had never even heard of this diary.

So I bought the book, which I rarely do, and started reading. But something didn't seem right. Something didn't ring true. So I started Googling the book and low and behold, this is almost assuredly not a true diary of a teenage girl and her battle with drug addiction.

Beatrice Sparks claims this is an edited version of the diary but her second book, which claims to be a diary of a boy's journey with the occult, was found out to have only 21 authentic entries and the other 191 were fiction.

This book seems to be a someone's attempt to scare children away from drugs with dangers of addiction, vindictive addicts, rape, homosexuality at the same time, trying to remind teenagers that their parents aren't so bad and the world away from your family is much worse than you will ever have at home.

I am all for teaching children the danger of drugs and the wrong crowd. I thought this would be a good way to teach my children these lessons, but I am not okay with teaching them through lies.

This book should be marketed as fiction and stopped being published with the author "anonymous" so as to present it as a true diary from a teenager.