A review by leahkarge
Worth Any Price by Lisa Kleypas


This review will be written in a series of letters

Dear Nick Gentry,

I want to sincerely apologize for my extreme dislike of you in Lady Sophia's Lover. I am going to attribute it to the fact that I didn't really know you and the fact that you only showed me your Extreme Jerk-Off side in the previous book.

Over three years later, I now see that I judged you too quickly. All you needed was someone to give you a chance at a better life to prove your worth. Thank God you were able to receive that chance. Because now you are no longer a reckless, devil may care bad boy. You have realized that you have a good life and things worth living for. You've gone from only caring about yourself to considering the lives of others.

You learned to trust another human being with your secrets, pain, fears, and doubts.

You have learned to love. And you learned that the love of those you care about most is worth any price...

I am so glad to have been able to witness this transformation in you, my love.

Love always,


Dear Lottie,

Thank you for being you. I loved you from the beginning of your adventure with the infamous Nick Gentry. You immediately enchanted me with your charming, open personality and the beauty of you, inside and out. You infect everyone with your wonderfulness and you are one of the best heroines I have come across in a long time.

Thank you for helping my Nick grow into the wonderful person we all knew he was. However, he wasn't the only one who grew. You learned to trust and rely on Nick, and you opened yourself to love despite your rocky start with him. I am so glad to have been able to witness the change in you also.

With love,


My Beloved Marcus, Lord Westcliff,

I sincerely thank you for being your delicious, sexy, wonderful self. This book was awesome, but even if it had sucked, it would have rocked because you were in it. You can always make anything better.

I will love you forever,
Lady Leah Westcliff


Dear Sophia,

You rock, girl.

Love ya,


Dear Ross,

You make me love you even more with every page you are on.


P.S. If you can find a time machine, we have these things now called condoms, birth control, and other contraception. Try it if you want to prevent more pregnancy. Muah!



If you ever again cause my Nick to get hurt, I will personally skin you alive.

Watch your back,


Lord Radnor,

I'm glad you're dead.

Fuck you,


Dear Lisa Kleypas,

I bow down to your literary genius. You have wooed and won me once again with the amazing story of Nick Gentry.

I loved the plot and thought you executed it beautifully. It reminded me a little of Ten Ways to be Adored When Landing a Lord by Sarah MacLean with Nick searching for Lottie, and a little of your own Married by Morning by Lottie being promised to Lord Radnor and running away. I liked that, however, and it made me love the story even more, oddly enough.

To a job well done, I salute you.


(P.S. Yes, I know both those books were written after this one.)


Favorite Quote:
"You wouldn't make a wish."

"Because I didn't know what I wanted. And now I do."

"What do you want?" she asked tenderly.

His hands slipped behind her head, pulling her mouth down to his. "To love you forever," he whispered just before their lips met.

(Lottie & Nick, page 383)