A review by ninakeller
Joseph Anton: A Memoir by Salman Rushdie


The story of Salman Rushdie’s life while hiding from would-be assassins, after the issuance of a fatwah by the ayatollah of Iran.

I’m a big fan of Rushdie as a writer, especially of his books The Ground Beneath Her Feet and Haroun and the Sea of Stories. I also read The Satanic Verses, but did not enjoy it as much. Though I found it to be a bit chaotic in narrative structure, I do not object to the content in the way extreme followers of the ayatollah do. Even if it does contain content offensive to religion, though I would debate that, censorship of literature is oppressive and unacceptable.

This book serves as an enlightening memoir of one of my favorite authors, and an important case for free speech and against censorship.