A review by palomapepper
Orange World and Other Stories by Karen Russell


My favorites:

"The Prospectors", in which a pair of young female grifters fleeing the Great Depression discover a (pleasant-ish?) supernatural horror at the top of a snowy Oregon ski lift.

"Black Corfu", in which a Moorish doctor in fifteenth-century Croatia battles an accusation against his livelihood. Such a fascinating setting, not a place I've visited often in fiction, and so different from Russell's other stories.

"The Gondoliers", which involves a set of echolocating sisters steering their boats in the swamps of post-apocalyptic Florida.

"Orange World", in which a woman agrees to breastfeed a small devil in exchange for the safety of her newborn son. It's full of post-partum body horror, and ends up singing the praises of a wider community of other, more experienced mothers.