A review by vinceyface
All New, All Different Avengers, Volume 2: Family Business by


UGHHHHHHHHHHH, this was just a big dang darn let down! I love Mark Waid: Daredevil, Irredeemable, Kingdom Come, and most recently Archie! The man is a great writer, but lately his Marvel work is just so spotty and bad, I bought issue 1 of Champions (his newest Marvel series) and it was so off and full of weird tonal shifts. But this is Avengers and it's bleh, I don't care about the Pleasant Hill tie-in, boring and weird with it's slight St. Elsewhere snow-globe shtick... the other arc with Nova is fine... I guess. Face it you're going to read this because, like me, you'll probably try anything by Waid at least once and/or you love Jane/Kamala/Miles. The best part of this middling adventure is the introduction of Nadia Pym, give me more Nadia Pym I want her backstory and her continuing adventures! Whatever... 2.5 stars, whoopdeedoo...