A review by movingtoguam
The Silver Rings by Samuel Valentino


When I read the summary, I thought this was going to be another Snow White retelling. It was, to a certain extent, but it had a lot more to it. The main characters had an evil stepmother who tried to kill them, but they get away from her pretty quickly. Throw some other fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel, the Three Pigs and any with a fairy godmother into it, and you have this book. It was funny and engaging, but sometimes a bit too quick. It was like “oh no, they’re in trouble now”, and then two sentences later “everything is fine, let’s go somewhere new”. For me that was a bit tiring, but for a younger reader I think it would be good.

I didn't care much for the main characters, Alice and Celia. They were a bit bland and I couldn't really tell them apart. The most distinct difference they had was that one preferred city life to the outdoors, while the other was the opposite. I guess their likeness was the point. It was the fairy tale characters that popped up that I liked best, because they really made the plot move along (compared to the main characters, who didn't).

It turned out to be a quick, fun read, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to other people.