A review by ellelainey
Shadows and Dreams by Matthew Cody


Book – ReMade – Season 1, Episode 1: Shadows and Dreams
Author – Matthew Cody
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 32

Cover – Great!
POV – 3rd person, one character POV
Would I read it again – Yes

Genre – Sci-Fi, Contemporary, Futuristic, Alien


For 32 pages, this glimpse into the ReMade story really packs a punch.

Not only is Holden loveable and relateable, but the teen love and teen angst is realistically adorable and heartbreaking. His attraction to Seyah and the way he tries to get close to her with the school play is the kind of typical teenage stupidity.

I loved the way the story started as a contemporary teen romance, with a little bit of weird dreams thrown in. But the way the story seamlessly slipped into the sci-fi story was a great piece of writing and plot preparation.

I'm really looking forward to reading more. I'm intrigued to see where the story will lead Holden and Seyah, but also what the heck is going on and why there are a bunch of teens in red jumpsuits.