A review by ajith_wordshaker
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud


The author says dreams are nothing but a manifestation of our day to day activities. Even things which we see and forget will be present hidden somewhere inside our brain. Which we aren't able to remember with our conscious mind. But it will come in our dream without any initiation. Dreams are just a simple recollection of our previous remembrance. We can't remember the dreams which we just saw last night fully, but we can remember all the incidents which had happened a year before in our real life with much clarity, the author says it is because the dreams are appearing in a scattered form. He says, "You know that the stimulus for a dream always lies among the experiences of the preceding day."
The moral nature of the man remains even in the dream "the purer the life, the purer the dream".
This book is somewhat outdated. Nowadays movies and tv series are much popular so we see ghost stuff in dreams because of the horror movies we saw recently. In this book, there were no such things called 'ghost seeing' in dreams. That means, no horror movies were there back then ;)
As per Feud, "The dream is the guardian of sleep, not the disturber of it".