A review by burstnwithbooks
Lost Boys: Book One of the Lost Boys Trilogy by Riley Quinn


I've had quite a while to mull over my thoughts on this book, as it's been a solid month since I finished it. The problem with this book is mainly the pacing; it was incredibly slow and too drawn out for the first third to half of the book, the middle was relatively well paced, and then the last third of the book was way too short with an awkward ending. It is definitely clear that this is meant to be the first of a series, but I'm not entirely sure whether the author will continue writing the story. I'm rather interested in what happens with these characters and how the story wraps up, but the pacing was truly a struggle in this book. If you're looking for a Peter Pan retelling (where there isn't really a Peter Pan but just Lost Boys), you should check this one out; otherwise, it's a very "clan" based book and is heavily "political" in that fictional sense. It kind of gave me Warrior Cat vibes, so... if that's your thing, go for it. As you can tell, I have mixed feelings on this book. Again, I am genuinely invested in the characters (I spent 400 pages with them, people), but I would really love to see this author grow in his skills with pacing and storytelling in general. If I see the sequel come out, I'll probably pick it up eventually.