A review by itsallaboutthebooksuk
In Darkness, Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish


In Darkness, Shadows Breathe is I think the third book I’ve read by Catherine Cavendish and one of the things I’ve noticed over these books is how the author really manages to write stories that get right under your skin. I can’t relate to this story in anyway, I’ve never had any spooky experiences but as I was reading I had chills, I felt like someone was watching me and I had this real sense of unease.

In the first half of the book we meet Carol, she’s house sitting for a couple and she’s very much a loner. She doesn’t have any family and no friends and she’s had a troubled past. As we follow her story Carol starts experiencing unexplainable and frightening things and as her health deteriorates and she ends up in hospital things become worse.

The second half of the book we are introduced to Nessa who is undergoing cancer treatment. Having to stay in hospital it’s not long until strange things start occurring and due to the severity of the operation that Nessa has just had she’s stuck there, recovering.

I loved the setting, a hospital which has been built upon the ruins of an old work house, hospital and asylum. It’s creepy, gothic and very unsettling. The modern day hospital is easy to imagine and the author has written this story with so much detail that when I was reading about the Victorian times the images appear as if watching a film.

I liked how the two characters stories came together and although the ending wasn’t quite what I was expecting, it left my imagination to run riot. It’s not ending where everything is tied up neatly in a bow and I really liked that. It gave me something to think about.

In Darkness, Shadows Breathe is an eerie dark gothic story. It starts off slowly, pulling you in until you feel totally wrapped up in the words and can’t put it down. It’s very much a page turner and a story that seriously gave me chills and nightmares.