A review by honestmamreader
The Captivating Flames of Madness by Jeff Parsons


This is not just one book but a glorious 22 short stories. I often find I have a few minutes spare every now and again in my hectic life this book is perfect to pick up and read a tale of weirdness.

To write a short story you must captivate your audience from the start. Parsons has achieved this perfectly. Each story is filled with great plot and character despite being short we still get everything we need. It's basically punches you in the face hard.

Jeff Parsons imagination is overflowing with wackiness. And it's all comes pouring out into this one great book.

This is a cracking book. A perfect coffee table book where you can pick up and read a short thrilling story in 5-minutes and being mesmerized by the ingenious talent of Parsons.

Thank you to Blackthorn tours and Jeff Parsons for allowing me to participate on this blog tour.