A review by 19lindsey89
Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 8: On the Outside by Diana Egea, Phillipe Briones, Bryan Edward Hill, Miguel Mendonça


This volume was fine. Just fine. It didn’t really feel like a continuation of the last volume. The team has been gutted. I’m really confused by Duke. He’s not consistently around enough for me to get a read on him. He just kind of appears for a few issues here, a few issues there. I don’t like it.

But, DC, frankly I’m sick of reading the same plot. Give these characters some growth. Give them room to develop depth.

But we’ve seen this plot before. As recently as volume 3 of the main Batman series. But I couldn’t get over how much this reminded me of Death of the Family from the New 52 run.

The main thing that needs to die:
Batman: I work alone.
Batman’s 30 kids: We do not believe you.

There has never been a man who works alone less. Can we let Batman have that revelation and move on?