A review by ostrava
The Black Monday Murders, Volume 1 by Jonathan Hickman


What a weird ass fucking comic. So, it couldn't be more explicit in its overall opinion of the financial market, but to make a comic book depicting them as satan worshippers who eat babies in their free time is bizarre.

But this is fiction and not reality so we're allowed to get a bit crazy. And through the sher craziness I feel like a lot is said on how power works in our world, the value and nature of money and the human psyche of those who worshipp it and pile it up as if they were dragons.

It does feel like a charitable portrait of the type of psychopaths that rule us, similar to serial killer stories that show them as cunning and charming people when most of them are asocial clowns with no interesting opinions whatsoever. Because that's what unempathetic people are: uninteresting. But their stories aren't and don't we all have a bit of morbidity inside of us? I have it as I'm the intended audience for these stories. It's intriguing from start to finish and I am officially hooked. I'll have to admit it, I enjoyed the craziness but I do wonder where the author will take it from here...