A review by danasiler
Leah on the Offbeat, by Becky Albertalli


Ummm...I'm sad.

I loved Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda and The Upside of Unrequited so much. Like soooo much. I literally danced around my room from joy after Simon and was so giddy after Upside.

I loved Leah in Simon. I was so excited fom her book. It wasn't terrible. It just wasn't what I was hoping for. Maybe my hopes were too high.

I felt like a lot was going on, but nothing was happening if that makes sense. Like I know I read 339 pages. But did we get very far?

I wanted more.
More growth all around from Leah.
More scenes with her mom and just because I'm a sap, I would have really enjoyed more from Leah and Wells. That would've been cool.
More of Leah the drummer.
More of Leah the artist.
More of Leah and Simon.
More of Leah and Nora.

I was sad for Garrett because yikes. He really thought things were working out for him.

The main relationship felt so rushed. Like we went from nothing to something fast. Like fast fast.
Also, I didn't like the whole not bi enough. Like what? That's nothing for anyone to comment on.

I would've liked more from Nick. He's a big part of Leah's life and being able to see him work through emotions and then see him on the other side of heartbreak would have been nice.

Idk. This just wasn't it for me.