A review by bookishrealm
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 4: Rising Action by Kieron Gillen


Wow oh wow

It definitely was nice to be back in this world, but even nicer to be back to the original artwork. I was so disappointed in the last volume because we kept changing artists from each issue and the artwork is what captivated me originally.

In my opinion the story is finally starting to make sense. In the earlier issues we were stuck with this whole concept that gods were reincarnated every 90 years into regular human beings and then lived for two years before dying again. It was an interesting backdrop, but I had no idea where they were going with this and how Laura fit into the bigger picture. After the mass confusion associated with the last issue I wasn't sure whether the plot was ever going to make sense or whether I was even going to continue with the series; however, the writers proved me wrong and now I understand where we're going.

A word of advice to individuals who are just starting this series: it might be a good idea to actually look up the names of the gods and goddesses associated with each of these characters. They come from different cultures and can sometimes be confusing if you've never heard of them before. There are a few that I am familiar with because of my own interest in mythology and gods and goddesses, but there were others that I definitely had to look up. This definitely does help in understanding the personalities of each of the characters as well.

Now that we have some stronger plot lines I'm really interested in seeing where the story is going to go next. We have this major shift in power at the end of the comic and I think there's going to be more trouble ahead. I may get too impatient to wait on the next volume and start reading this comic issue by issue haha.