A review by paultypething
Bloodroot by Amy Greene


One thing that I've learned from selling books for the past five years is that more often than not, you CAN judge a book by it's cover. That being said, this book needs a new cover. It looks like it wants nothing more than to be bought by middle aged housewives so they can pretend to read it for their book club.

But that was not the case. The writing was beautiful and descriptive and for the most part the characters were all really engaging.

I didn't necessarily like that the second part of the book being placed where it was. It made it a lot harder to sympathize with Myra in part three, even though the horrors she suffered were pretty similar to the shit her children ended up suffering because of her. And I'm not really sure how I feel about the author ending things from John's perspective. It does kind of wrap things up in a way that she couldn't have otherwise done but it also you makes you sympathize with someone she made you think was a total douche in the previous part.

Still, this book was a lot better than I was expecting and something I won't have to feel bad recommending to old ladies that want something for their book club.