A review by mad_about_books
Six Scary Stories by Elodie Harper, Paul Bassett Davies, Stephen King, Manuela Saragosa, Neil Hudson, Michael Button, Stuart Johnstone


As with his own writing, Stephen King strikes a chord here by prefacing the stories with his experience reading them. Whenever I read a book, especially if I plan on writing a review, I read everything… the Introduction, Preface, Acknowledgements, Afterwards, and sometimes even the copyright information. Why? Because I find that these extras provide incite or a connection to the writer or editor. Stephen King, in particular, with his acknowledgement to his Constant Reader, creates a personal connection to his reader. Do yourself a favor and don't skip over King's Introduction.

The stories in this short anthology, along with their authors, are…

"Wild Swimming" by Elodie Harper
"Eau-De-Eric" by Manuela Saragosa
"The Spots" by Paul Bassett Davies
"The Unpicking" by Michael Button
"La Mort De L'amant" by Stuart Johnstone
"The Bear Trap" by Neil Hudson

Reviewing an anthology presents the unique problem of not retelling the story in a way that longer forms do not. I am loathe to writing spoilers, no matter how innocuous, because I truly believe the next reader should have the same opportunity of discovery I had. I actually avoid reading blurbs, and only picking out certain words that interest me.

Here are six stories that the "king" of horror felt deserved publication and his personal endorsement. I am in agreement with Stephen King that "Wild Swimming" is the best of the six. There is one that was a fun read, but I found it too obscure for my taste. The main point of this little anthology seems to be the introduction of six British authors to an American audience. We all know that Constant Reader will read anything upon which King has put his stamp of approval. Most difficult for me is the 1 to 5 star rating system. SIX SCARY STORIES is definitely more than a 4 but not quite a five. The law of averages dictates that if it's more than a four and a half, I have to bump it up.

All of King's readers will find something to their liking here and may just find that new author to follow.