A review by curlymunroe
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review...

Let’s just say I over the moon when I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of this book. There had been so much chatter on social media about this one. The mere mention that Mason King, the hot Yoga instructor in J. Daniels book, All I Want from the Alabama Summer Series, would be crossing over into the Sweet Addictions series as a love interest for Brooke Wicks, had people salivating for this book. To add more fuel to the excitement fire, J. Daniel’s choice of real life Yogi/Model/Xen Master extraordinaire, Parker Hurley, as her book muse, put all the fans on high hotness alert. Let’s not forget Mason King is Australian. A hot yoga god with an Australian accent, that looks like Parker Hurley, need I say more. I was in with both feet. She actually had me at Parker Hurley, but that’s a whole other discussion.

It had been almost a year since I read Sweet Addiction & Sweet Possession, so there was some mental cobwebs to clean out, before I could come back around to these characters. In the two previous books, I just remembered Brooke Wicks as a filterless, shallow person. Her reputation by default was that of a woman who liked sex a lot and didn’t apologize for anything. She was a one and done girl, and very rarely went back for a second time. I honestly wasn’t sure if I would be able to get on board with a book featuring Brooke. If it wasn’t for Mason, I don’t know if I would have.

The book starts off four years after Sweet Possession ends. Brooke is still working for Dylan at the bakery, and has found her career niche. Dylan has two children and is very pregnant with her third. Leaving a lot of the bakery responsibilities on Brooke and the fabulous resident gay, Joey. (I love the hell out of Joey, would love to see that guy get a Novella of his own) After Brooke is evicted from her apartment , she temporarily moves in with Joey and his husband Billy. She is on the verge of completely turning her life around, financially, with things looking up. Unfortunately, she still is sticking to her one and done ways. When a yoga studio opens across the street, and she sees the owner checking out his sign, and she can’t resist the urge to walk across the street and “show” him what her intentions are.

Mason King is everything a female reader loves, he’s in shape, he’s hot as hell, and he has an accent. I think the panty melting point of an accent reaches it’s ultimate temperature height at either English or Australian. The scale is broken with Mason King. His demeanor is just laid back and chill. Underneath, there is a part of him that is guarded. At one point in his life, he’s been burned pretty badly by a woman. It is also alluded to that he was a bit like Brooke back in the day, with the whole one and done thing. He’s a different man now, and wants something different when it comes to love.

Mason and Brooke together…..at the beginning it’s a bit of a cat and mouse game. It’s very obvious they want each other, their sexual chemistry is out of this world. For Brooke this means, accepting that he isn’t going to give her what she wants unless she works for it. For Mason, it’s about showing Brooke what it means to have someone actually love her fully and completely. It’s a unique gender roll reversal, with Brooke and Mason. It’s almost like Brooke is the man in the story and Mason is the woman. I have this horrible habit of being crabby about the Magic Kitty or Magic Stick of it all with some of these books, but with this book, I have to say there isn’t much of that. It’s pretty simple, they want each other, but they don’t go right for the goodies. In fact as a reader, you will find yourself being very sexually frustrated for them, and by the time something actually happens you find yourself cheering. ( I texted my blog partner with the word “Finally!”)

Every good book has one or both of their main characters progress, evolve and grow. Totally support Brooke’s growth, she becomes a great person as the result meeting Mason. I was mildly irritated at her emotional slide over Mason. She’s so invested she’s a blubbering mess? This chick is known for being an absolute biatch at varying points through these books. I have a hard time believing she would totally shut down when it all goes to crap. I might be over analyzing that, but I just didn’t agree with it. Reviews are based on opinion, and that is mine. The other bit of irritation, is what happens just as everything is all sunshine and roses. Sex has been the main source of angst and conflict throughout the whole book. Why interject more? It just felt like…Oh…there isn’t enough crap flying around, I need to throw one more piece in there to make these characters suffer more. I just could have done without that last section.

In the end, I found myself slightly underwhelmed. I think that maybe my expectations were so high, because it was so over sensationalized. Too much hype? I am not saying I won’t go back for more. I am a fan of J Daniels, and that will never change. I give Sweet Obsession four out of five stars.