A review by authorkmg
My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

YAY! The Blooming Goddess series ends perfectly. Everything is wrapped up with just enough teasing that our minds can go off into Imaginationland and wonder what's going to happen to all of them in the future. Sophie has transformed into the person she needs to be to defeat the Gods and Goddesses. Her character growth has been continuous over all three novels and it's been an important part of each story and it's in fact how she wins in the end.

The message in this novel is fantastic guys! "All you need is love!" It's a song that Sophie hear's throughout the book and it's an idea that's explored throughout all three novels. We have explored all types of relationships in the previous novels, but in the last book the message of loving yourself and my GAWD, Tellulah, I am just filled with empowerment of this!

Of course, Kai fans, we have plenty of him! More importantly, there is plenty of Theo because hellooooo THEO!!! Things heat up in many ways. We meet many new players and some old ones too. Friendships get tested, secrets are revealed, and Sophie is challenged but that's why we read these right? I fully recommend this, it's my favorite of the entire series. Blooming Goddess fans, you won't be disappointed!