A review by bookishpsychologist
The Peach Seed by Anita Gail Jones


2.5 stars.

Based on the premise, I thought I would love this book. It combines many elements that I typically enjoy, including historical fiction, multi-generational family sagas, and various timelines and character POVs. However, this novel just fell short for me. I listened to the audiobook, and while I enjoyed the narrator, who is also the author, the story was slow, too long, and convoluted at times. Despite the length of the audiobook, I just did not connect with the characters. Nonetheless, as a psychologist, I appreciated the author's unique take on how the history of racism and the slave trade impacted one family's generational trauma, mental health, and relationships.

Thank you to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio and Henry Holt for an arc to review!