A review by fifteenthjessica
Bombshells United Vol. 2: War Bonds by Marguerite Bennett


This comic shows what Bombshells could be if it weren't trying to shove every single female character in the DC Universe (as well as several of the males) into a fairly short series of comics. This trade paperback consists entirely of Batwoman, the Question, and a few other characters (most of whom were already introduced) fighting Black Adam (a Shazam villain), who is trying to uncover a Lazarus Pit in Spain to revive his wife, Isis, who had killed herself to end an ancient war.

It's great to see Miri Marvel/Shazam again, and the Lazarus Pit was a great way to help bring some closure to Kate and Renee's arc.
SpoilerCheetah definitely received one of the better redemptions in Bombshells. It was interesting to see her try to undo her cruelest action, only for it to backfire. I may try my hand at writing fan fic of her future adventures with Tahlia.

Isis is an interesting character. It's disappointing to see the Woman in the Refrigerator trope in a series whose main selling point is showcasing so many of DC's female characters. There doesn't seem to be a lot about these versions of the characters to say they couldn't switch places--have Isis become the occult despot to revive Black Adam.

Another thing to talk about is that this seems to be treating death differently in DC Bombshells. There is a scene where Supergirl and Wonder Woman discuss what happens after death while Supergirl is mourning Stargirl. I felt like it was treated like a reassuring mystery. Here, I got the impression that what's after death here is a very vital nothing.