A review by wildflowerz76
Daughter of the Forest, by Juliet Marillier


I read this for the Vaginal Fantasy Book Club, April 2014.

I've had this one sitting on my to-read shelf for ages. I think I picked it up after perusing some of Felicia Day's books here at GR and seeing it so highly rated. But it sat on my shelf and I never got to it. Since it was the VF pick this month, I finally read it.

I'm kind of conflicted. And not for the reasons most people seem to be on this book. I loved the beginning of the this book and the fleshing out of the characters. But the middle, probably 1/2, of the book, I got kind of bored. Though then it picked up again and I found that I enjoyed it. I liked most of the characters and the setting. The story idea was good. I felt like there was a lot of repetitiveness and that this story could have been reduced by a third and still been perfectly lovely. I doubt I'll read any more of this series...but I might.