A review by sonja_ahrb
Before Hadley by J. Nathan


I went into Before Hadley with extremely high expectations having absolutely loved and five starred Since Drew. The story was enjoyable it just wasn't the blow-me-out-of-the-water book I was expecting it to be. It just seemed to lack the magic I felt with Drew.

Typically I'm not a fan of books with high school aged characters, I was expecting them to be older when I saw this was a new adult book. Eventually the book does fast forward a few years and we get the two main characters as college age.

The dialogue was great, I loved the banter, but I just can't quite put my finger on what was missing. The fact that I was easily distracted and this story just didn't seem to hold my attention is what compels me to rate Before Hadley as a 3.5 star book. It could've totally just been me, but it didn't work.

~ Lia, 3.5 Stars