A review by heidiweitz13
Unspeakable by Kevin O'Brien


Poor Collin!!

Found this book on a whim (freebie on audible)and I’m so glad! This was a really unique fast paced thriller that I completely devoured.

Basic premise of the story: a teenage boy goes under hypnosis and becomes a completely different person. Except this person is an actual serial killer that died fifty years ago. As soon as this second identity reveals itself, strange things start happening around the boy to people he is close to. Is the alter-ego serial killer responsible? Or is someone else keeping a secret?

The best thing about this story is just how eerie and creepy it is, but it also didn’t keep me up at night because of how far-fetched the story is. I tend to get paralyzed by fear over stories that seem like they could happen to me (ex. scary man stalks and murders unsuspecting girl), but I didn’t feel very concerned that a serial killer would inhabit my body. That being said there are some really graphic and scary moments particularly in the beginning half of the book. I was definitely creeped out and paranoid, but it wasn’t the type of fear that would stick with me after finishing the chapter. This also felt like a breath of fresh air in a sense because it was such a unique story, therefore it didn’t follow many of the tropes that typical thrillers I read do.

The mystery is strung together well. No spoilers here, but I did figure most of it out about 2/3 of the way through. I thought the delivery of the clues were paced out well and I liked that the big reveal wasn’t all in the last chapter.

Not giving 5 stars because it didn’t necessarily blow me away and I don’t think I’d ever reread. I also listened to this one on audiobook and omg the narrator’s kid voice was sooo annoying.

1/5 for cover aesthetic. Not a fan of the overdramatic looking shack lol