A review by markreadsbooks_sg
The Perfect Life by Nuala Ellwood


I got The Perfect life by Nuala Ellwood from NetGalley for a fair and honest review.
The Perfect life is one of those books which on the outside is a domestic thriller mystery, about a young woman who lost her mover when she was younger and is trying to find her place in the world.
Which she does through her friend, sister, job, a series of novels she read shortly after her mum died and more recently Conner her new boyfriend.
However, as you start reading The Perfect Life, you find out it is more than that, it is about control, wanting to live the perfect life, as well as using to social media that you are living more than the perfect life.
As well as the price of fame and fandom, not only on those who are fans, but those involved with the creator of that art.
The perfect life is told using two time lines, however for those of you who do not like this form of story telling the time the story is set only changes at the start of the chapter, with the chapters headed either Then or Now to distinguish what part of the story your on.
As for the narration of, The Perfect Life, is told though only one Point of View and that is Venessa.
The character of Vanessa throughout the book is portrayed as fantasist not only the way she was involved with being a fan of a series of books when she was younger. But the way in which she goes around making up personas for herself and booking appointments at estate agents to look at dream homes she cannot afford.
While Vanessa has been viewing these homes, she is starting to have a breakdown for example not doing her work or blacking out occasionally. This is further enhanced when she goes to see the house of the writer of the books she loved as a child.
What I liked about this novel is the way that the writer uses the rules of a thriller and all the rules of the genre combined with the store only being told through only one point of view. To provide a novel that examines so many issues.

The perfect Life is one of those stories that could be classed as slow burn as the story dose not get going for the first half, however once it gets past that pint it takes of and becomes a page turner. That had me gripped to the end.
All in all I can very highly recommend Nuala Ellwood’s latest book The Perfect Life.