A review by bookalina0987
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp, Barbara Kingsolver


9-7-07 A third of the way in. I swear one day I will grow asparagus in my yard...that is when I have a yard, and lots of assistance from Shaun I'm sure...

9-22-07 Made the Zuchinni Choco Chip cookies on Pg194. They are awesome and a big hit at a dinner party playing "guess the secret ingredient"...new favorite recipe. Due back to the library in 3 days, gotta wrap this one up quick!

I really enjoyed this book, it definitely makes you think about where the food we eat comes from and why we have such an obesity problem in the US. I am in no position to start a farm or even a garden, but I've hit the farmer's market 4 times in the 2 weeks I've been reading this book and started consciously looking for a "local" stamp on items at Whole Foods when possible. Don't think I'll ever give up bananas totally, but at least will look for local fruit that is in-season first.