A review by fictionalkate
My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling


Sophie Bloom never expected to be held captive by her birth father. But then again – the never thought he’d be Zeus, Greek King of the Gods. But somehow Sophie finds herself breaking free from her fedora wearing, suit clad all-powerful bio-dad. Together with Kai, son of Hades and lover of Sophie’s former self, Persephone, they must somehow work out how to uncover Persephone’s memories and stop Zeus and Hades. If only that was all – they also have to stop the teenage megalomania Bethany from taking over the world thanks to a magical tattoo’s powers and somehow fall in love with each other. I suppose it’s a good thing they also have Aphrodite helping on the romance front or not…

Sophie is one of those characters I can’t help but like. She’s smart mouthed – probably too much so as it always seems to be getting her in trouble with tenancy to talk first and reap the consequences of angry gods later – but she’s also a lot of fun. Not much can get this newly reincarnated goddess down. Not even the devilishly handsome Kai. Together they’re a match to be reckoned with – that is if they can get their hormones in control. Sophie’s friends Theo and Hannah are supportive in all the right ways but I like they also have their own stuff going on. Theo’s former beau makes an appearance (who knew there would be hipster gods?!) and Hannah finds her feet beautifully after being thrust into a world where the gods are real.

This is a great second instalment in this series. Now all the preliminary stuff is taking care of we really get into the adventure and blossoming (or should that be blooming?) relationship between the characters. Sophie is starting to get the hang of being a goddess and only has to occasionally come to terms with jealousy of her former self’s relationship with Kai – someone Sophie isn’t even sure she wants to love… but doesn’t want him not to love her. She’s delightfully confusing and I think she manages to confound herself more than she does anyone else.

I love books with an adventure/quest side and this one doesn’t disappoint. We get to see more gods and goddesses along with their powers during this book. I thought it was a great to witness Sophie’s reactions to places and people she’s met as Persephone and doesn’t recall. Getting to know Kai as she travelled was another highlight. I loved finding out that he is every bit a match for Sophie and her sarcasm.

Tellulah Darling’s writing is just as sassy and witty as in her previous books, littered with pop culture references and feisty characters. I love how many references she manages to slip in. Having a Dance Dance Revolution game having memory retrieving capabilities? Who thinks of that?! I found myself amused from cover to cover with the antics and cheeky dialogue. There is no doubt that I’ll be reading the third and final book in the Blooming Goddess trilogy. I just have to find out what happens next to Sophie and Kai!

3.5 stars