A review by ellingtonfeint
A Bride Worth Taking by Rebecca Connolly


This book. Utterly ridiculous.

I downloaded it yesterday and it's the kind of book you can read in a day and a half to take your mind off things. But ridiculous nonetheless.

And let me preface this review by saying that for the most part I enjoyed reading it and some elements I liked. But enjoying a read doesn't mean that I wasn't annoyed by it, and found it problematic.

Actually, I'd say, had it been wrapping up around the 60% mark, I'd have enjoyed it wholeheartedly. And when you feel like a book could end but you KNOW it's got 40% to go, you naturally start to get a little worried. And of course, that's when things began to get problematic for me, and I began skimming.

You see, at the 60% mark, we'd had the drama of the rushed marriage, the I hate her but I love her saga and then the redemption of Marianne in the country and they were dealing well together and the relationship could have deepened a little more with a few good conversations and, end scene, curtain!

INSTEAD, the drama had only just begun and the back and forth of trust, distrust, love, dislike, was annoying and unnecessary.

So this is a 3.5. It was enjoyable enough but too much drama for not enough reason. And for some reason the personalities of Rebecca Connolly often seem to have an undernote of bitterness, their personality flaws, put in to make them seem more real, make them a little unpalatable. There is a right way and a wrong way to do character flaws.

I haven't enjoyed the stories of Duncan, Colin or Kit, but I loved Derek and Kate and Nathan and Moira and I'm hopeful about the next one two, having enjoyed the glimpses of the the next two characters in this book.

(Also what is with making ALL the women pregnant every time we get an epilogue, that is also ridiculous, as if pregnant women are the best future you an imagine for them. Not saying that it isn't nice but not making it the be all and end all!)