A review by jscarpa14
Dirty by Kylie Scott


It's The Instalove...

So okay this story started off as awesome, a runaway bride climbing a 6ft tall fence in a wedding dress and heels to escape her wedding. How could I not be hooked because yeah that was kind of awesome. I mean the crazy awkward moments just keep coming and coming at the start of this story. I remember Vaughn from the Stage Dive Series and I adored his character. I like that he's unique because how often do you see a red headed hero in romance? Then he's got the whole musician thing going for him too. I love the way the man has had his shower interrupted more than once in this series and just takes it in stride. I would have actually liked a bit of his point of view though because Lydia's body issues can't really give you a clear picture of what she looks like. Lydia claims to be a plus size heroine but then again I've met women who could count their ribs in their reflection and were convinced they were the Goodyear blimp. It's kind of hard to really tell if this is a plus size heroine or a woman who just has low self esteem. So in this particular case it would have been nice to really see how he sees her. The main issue I have with this one is the timeline is about a week. A week to go from planning to marry one man to being head over heels for the next. Little hard to take that seriously. Actually let's be honest I really can't stand instalove romance. I love the characters here, the setting but the timeline is my real issue with the story. It's good, but just not realistic.