A review by shighley
Eggs by Jerry Spinelli


I wanted to like this book more. It's realistic fiction that didn't seem realistic enough. There are some very sweet touches ( love the parts about the library and bedtime stories). I don't think the grandmother would have gone all summer without noticing that David snuck out regularly, or that she wouldn't have more interaction with him. I wonder if Spinelli intentionally waited a few chapters in to tell us their ages, so that we would try to figure them out on our own. The scene where David "finds" Primrose in the leaves was confusing at first, and I would have thought that someone in town would have reported the kids out and about.
Interestingly enough, this is the second book in a row I read that had characters going to unusual lengths to get his/her mother back, although the other one was more supernatural. The end did a nice job of wrapping things up- almost too easily.