A review by xkay_readsx
Iced Under by Barbara Ross


I read ([b:Death and a Pot of Chowder|37648668|Death and a Pot of Chowder (A Maine Murder Mystery #1)|Cornelia Kidd|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1518020565l/37648668._SY75_.jpg|59239561]) a few years ago and since then still no sequel so I'm searching for my next cozy set in Maine. "Maine Clambake" series seems to be quite popular among cozy readers, and rightfully so. The Snowdens are likable with Clambake business in seasonal touristy Busman's Harbor. A mysterious and precious "black widow" necklace was an engaging plot. While this book has a lot of Boston from investigation side, it was an enjoyable one.

I love audio books, but "only from audible" feel so forced for ongoing series remake for audible. So I'm starting with book #5 and skipped all "only from audible" 1 through 4.