A review by syan22
Search History by Amy Taylor


Brain dump:

This was a quick and uncomfy read that I randomly borrowed off my local library overdrive. You can see the way Ana operates as a product of her childhood. Ana has been meticulously crafted to be not the most relatable narrator and her ~insane~ choices make her super unreliable but you can’t help but pity her when she makes those pathetic choices. She also makes infuriatingly, what’s-the-fucking-point-of-doing-that choices that make you want to throttle her (the yoga studio, the hair salon…). But it’s all intentional by the author, of course. Honestly though some parts of this book were jarringly understandable such as the part where she thought she was well-adjusted but turns out she’s insecure af when compared to a seemingly perfect person - again a reminder that social media isn’t all what it seems. I felt panicked when Ana went through Evan’s photos tbh. I kept reading with a sense of dread hanging over me. Definitely well written without a doubt, but damn, Ana needs therapy. Those obsessive compulsions and intrusive thoughts!!! Therapy, girl, therapy!!

4 stars for the writing. 2.5 for the story tbh.