A review by jbmorgan86
Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle


Wolf in White Van is the first true novel of John Darnielle (the magnificent singer songwriter who goes by the monicker "The Mountain Goats"). Anyone who listens to TMG knows that John Darnielle is a master wordsmith.

WIWV is about Sean Phillips, who underwent a gruesome, face-altering accident (or . . . incident?). At the beginning of the novel we are told that his face was disfigured in the incident but we are not told what the incident is until the end of the novel. Sean's disfigurement colors how sees, hears, and experiences the world around him. Sean becomes a Palahniuk-esque loner.

While recovering, he creates a game called Trace Italian. Sean creates an entire post-apocalyptic America where players are trying to get to a safe haven, the Trace Italian, in Kansas. Players write in to Sean and he tells them their next step.

Reality and the game begin to blend for Sean. Does the art follow reality or does the reality follow art?

*****Semi-Spoilers Below******
The title WIWV comes from a TBN show that Sean watches. Evangelists claim that rock n roll is the devil's music and the Dark Lord's messages are hidden in the music. The evangelist plays one album backwards and it says "Wolf in White Van." Sean thinks this is ludicrous. Even if there was a devil, why would he hide his messages? Isn't too much work?

The narrative style of WIWV is like the back-tracked record. Darnielle winds the story backwards as the story progresses. So . . . does that make Darnielle the devil? ;-)