A review by acozyadventurer
Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters


Hi yes so I’d like to formally announce this as one of my new favorite rom-coms. The CUTENESS that this book is? Can’t be explained. I have a new favorite book boyfriend and his name is Benjamin Michael Williams. I mean, what a SWEETHEART. (I’ve stayed up late to finish this and as such, my excitement just can’t be held in, apologies).
Evie, Evie, Evie. Our main character, yes, of course loveably quirky and somewhat putout with where life has landed her at the moment- is in the midst of staging meet-cures, in the hopes of having a meet-cute, to prove meet-cute’s can happen, to a screenwriter who doesn’t believe in meet-cites, but needs to write a meet-cute. Follow? It’s simple enough. And SO much fun!