A review by gimchi
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson, Neil Strauss


so many throes of emotion while reading this book! overall, a very good and easy read and kind of fascinating.

i felt so many emotions:

pity, for her insane life growing up.

disgust, for the family that smokes crack together, apparently stays together.

more disgust, for her family that thinks it's still hilarious that her brother picked a fight with a guy ('say gargoyle!' to a random guy and the guy wouldn't say it) who ended up biting his tongue off.

amazement, that sex is kind of cheap.

wary respect, for her comment, "i'm already doing something that can put women in a bad light, ... so it's particularly important to hold myself to a higher standard of behavior than other women."

and hilarity, for "all i did was contribute to kleenex sales."

she ends up being married at the end of the book, and you want it to work out for her, but then i read her wikipedia article and came to the same conclusion as before i read the book. she's just pretty white trash.