A review by sharondblk
Still Come Home by Katey Schultz


I'm reviewing ON publishing date - this might be a first!

I love a modern war book - I'm not quite sure why, but it is a genre that really appeals. Maybe it's because of the complexity, where soldiers are expecting to 'win hearts and minds" while people are trying to kill them. Katey Schultz captures this duality well, as well as acknowledging, and writing from the point of view of non-military characters.

This book isn't about the action (although there is some) it's about the characters, and their internal conflicts. The characters and the book are nuanced, considered and interesting.

This book was both satisfying and left me wanting more - I would have loved to have more of Aaseya's story, and yet by not over explaining the book is even more powerful.

Thanks NetGalley and Apprentice House Press for the e-Arc in exchange for an honest review.