A review by ladykatka
Black Dog: Hellhound Chronicles by Caitlin Kittredge


I am giving this a solid three stars because I really did enjoy reading it despite the problems I had with it. It was a page-turner that I read in just a couple days. I also intend to read the next one.

That being said, this book suffers from way too many plots. Every character has their own plot that could run deep enough to be it's own book. The biggest problem here is that not all of them get explained or explored as it is only 340 pages long, there is no time for that. This means that there is a lot of questions left, and a lot that you really don't understand. I hope it is explored in the next book, that could be some redemption.

It gets a little repetitive because our leading lady Ava doesn't learn. How can you be a hell hound for 90 years and still be this stupid. Seriously, how do you not see some of this stuff coming, it is obvious and not at all subtle. She claims through the whole book how she has brought down some of the baddest warlocks and evil doers over the past century, and all the things they have done to try to escape her, yet she falls for the ole drugs in your drink from a guy you shouldn't trust ploy. What the deuce woman? If he is offering you a drink and he doesn't drink it, then neither should you. Also how many times was she knocked out and waking up somewhere else? This felt very convenient to the plot, it gets her where she needs to be and no explanation needed. GAH!

It was annoying how they kept calling her a "puppy" because she is a hell hound. First few times, I get but being used as the only way to insult and address the main character gets a little tiring.

And lastly, what is with that really awkward sex scene out of nowhere. With 50 pages left in the book, it feels really weird to suddenly be reading such a graphic sexual encounter. After 300 pages of no sex and suddenly there it is in all its glory is rather jarring. It felt as if it was there not because it was natural, but because it was the only way the author could think of to up the emotional stakes before the climax of the book. I didn't need to read that to know that they were loyal to each other. I really didn't. Sex isn't the only way to show a couple has a bond. Good grief.