A review by authorkmg
Dwellers of Darkness by Stacey Marie Brown


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

Whew! What a ride! We pick up right where we left off and I hope you have your running shoes on, kiddos because we do not stop until the end. It's a wild ride and every time you think things are one way Brown switches things up and you're left with your jaw hanging.

Ember has come so far from the girl we met in book 1 and I'm growing to love her so much! She's beginning to assume the roles she's meant to play and become the warrior she always was. It's fascinating to watch. Still though, her road is met with so much betrayal and pain that it's a wonder she has the strength to get out of bed in the morning. I think it helps that she has such a fantastic family. The people she has chosen to love are not all good and not all bad, they are all varying shades of gray and I think they all represent parts of Ember. They also give her strength and motivate her like no other. She would do anything for them and after how book 3 just ended, I'm biting my nails to see just how far she's going to have to go.

Things progress with Eli thank the LAWD! He is such a hot piece of fictional ass. Eli and Ember make the most volatile couple I've read about since Barrons and Mac and thats saying something people. They are pure fire and they burn up the pages of Dwellers of Darkness. Eli is still so much of a mystery and it seems like every time we learn a little bit about him we learn that there's even more that he's hiding. It's absolutely maddening and I wonder if, like Barrons, we will every truly know Eli. I have my theories about what's going to happen in book 4, but I'm not going to ruin it for y'all! I am dying to hear what you think so let me know on Twitter, FB and in the comments section below!

This is totally, completely, 100% recommended. This series keeps getting better and I am salivating for book 4! Thank goodness we only have to wait until Fall! Happy reading everyone!

*ARC provided in exchange for honest review!*