A review by lexee9
Between the Tackles by Roxy Sinclaire


I enjoyed this story. It was a fairly entertaining, quick read. Nick and April were good characters. Nick gives April a ride home on a rainy night and the conversation they have sets everything in motion. Nick can't believe what a great conversation they had and how quick and well they were able to connect. He is not used to being able to talk like this and connect on this level with girls, at least not the ones that he interacts with. He quickly starts falling for April and he pursues her. April is very open to Nick. The sex is explicit. There is more that goes on in the story as the two deal with school and figuring out their futures. Things came together pretty easy for them. There's not a whole bunch of discord/doesn't last for long.
While I enjoyed the book there was a feeling of redundancy sometimes...felt like I was reading the same information twice. It wasn't too bad but it did happen. The story also felt a little predictable. It didn't delve as deep as I would have liked into the characters. I felt like it was missing something and so it made it a little harder to connect and just lose myself in the story. While it had these things going on I still enjoyed the story. The characters were still good and I had no issue reading and finishing it.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.