A review by nightshade_novels
Doctor Who: Wetworld by Mark Michalowski


I really enjoyed this Doctor Who book. I was surprised at the beginning when Martha rushed off to get changed for her breakfast meal at ‘Tiffany’s’ before checking that a) the Doctor meant the same place as she did and b) that the actually ended up there knowing what usually happens. It makes you wonder whether the companions and the Doctor do occasionally have nice trips where they end up where they are supposed to go and do what they planned to do.
I liked the otters, especially when they started to talk to Martha and the others. Although it turns out that this may just have been because the TARDIS was nearby and translating for them.
The idea of an alien that can implant ideas and instructions into your head is quite creepy. However, when you find out that it cannot leave the water and therefore all you have to do to avoid it is not go anywhere near the water it becomes much less scary. But that is easier said than done on a planet that is mostly water and when the alien sends viscous mind controlled otters to fetch you.

This book receives four stars because I enjoyed it more than some of the others in the Doctor Who series.