A review by quietjenn
You Don't Know Me but You Don't Like Me: Phish, Insane Clown Posse, and My Misadventures with Two of Music's Most Maligned Tribes, by Nathan Rabin


That Guy You Know From the Internet writes a book that sets out to be a deep examination of two maligned musical subcultures and ends up chronicling his own manboy identity crisis in the process. The sections on ICP are legitimately, super interesting and fascinating. Like, I am maybe even Down with the Clown at this point? Or, as much as you can be without ever wanting to actually listen to ICP or go to a gathering or anything. The Phish stuff, on the other hand ... uuuuuugh. There is nothing here to convince me that Phish/Phish's music/Phish fans are anything other than what I already thought that they were and there was so much eye-rolling as I read those chapters. the Phish stuff is also the crux of Rabin's metaphysical whatever - spurned by his love of a girl, of course - and just, no thanks, dude.