A review by gabbylikestoread
Thicker Than Water: A Memoir by Kerry Washington


I was SHOCKED when I found out that Kerry Washington was coming out with a memoir. Outside of being known as a talented actress, an activist and producer, I knew that she was EXTREMELY private. 

After reading the first paragraph of the book, it makes so much sense of why she’s made the decisions that she has. 

In reading her memoir, I was able to hear her story in her own words. In hearing her share about the way she approached each character she played through anthropological methods and immersion into their lifestyles, it is clear that she takes pleasure in the process of diving deep into the work.  

This was such a revelatory experience. There were so many things that Kerry had to overcome that I dealt and deal with personally. Growing up wanting to be perfect, living a duplicitous lifestyle to maintain the facade, and feeling like you need to be put on facade while neglecting the process of learning who I am. 

I was NOT expecting this at all. I knew that Kerry and I had literally one thing in common: having a Jamaican mother. (It’s was cool finding out her maternal grandparents are from St Elizabeth like mine are!) 

As I always feel when I read a memoir, I am appreciative that she took the time to share such personal struggles and triumphs in her life. Whether you are a fan of Kerry’s work or not, I recommend this one! 

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