A review by emziethebookworm
Death of a Gossip by M.C. Beaton


Death if a gossip is based in Scotland in the lovely Highlands, full of lochs to fish and loads of scenery ti visit and to see, no one would expect anything to go wrong at a fishing lesson ub the Highlands do you.
Well in this case that didn't happen at all as the fishing school were getting ready boom a body, not saying who but u can say I did see this one coming but u didn't see who it was that did the murder coming at all.
Hamish is the village police Detective sort if man, a man you can rely in even if he gets in the way but I someone like that at least you'd know where they were at least.
I really did like this crime book by M.C. Beaton as it was an easy quick one day read which I did like indeed.
I am going to collect all these books in as I want to read them all to the end and I will prob think about getting her other series too.