A review by linda48
Requiem Moon by C.T. Rwizi


Disclosure: I received this book as part of a Goodreads giveaway.

I was so confused! I was confused when I started the book and I was confused when I finished. From the number of wonderful reviews, I thought I would be engrossed from the start. Unfortunately, I have to assume that you needed to read the first book in order to follow along. I had difficulty following the characters and understanding how they related to each other, how past events related to the present, not to mention how the magic actually worked. The ending was certainly not what I expected.

From the beginning, I felt that I was entering a video game. There is certainly enough magic, spells, charms, magical creatures, battles between good and evil that could keep the gamer entertained and involved. So, if you are a video game developer, please contact this author. Plus, from what I've seen, there are not enough people of color that are the main characters in today's games.

My recommendation is to make sure you read the first book before embarking on this one.