A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Demon Princess by Kassandra Lynn


3 1/2 Stars.

I received a copy of Demon Princess from Reading Deals in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Demon Princess is the perfect book if you’re looking for a nice, quick, fantasy read. In all this book probably took me a little less than two hours to read, which suited my mood perfectly (I imagine all book readers get into that mood where they want to be able to finish a book in one sitting). The cover is lovely, however it’s worth noting that the description isn’t one hundred percent accurate about the situation Adriana is in (read further to see why I say that).

Adriana is the Demon Princess, and being that both her father and brother have gone missing (a fact that we’re immediately told in the beginning – I’m insure if there’s a book explaining their disappearance) she’s set to take the crown and become the Demon King (why isn’t it Demon Queen? I’m not really sure, but they made this fact quite clear). Naturally this is the perfect time for the universe to throw a problem in her way, and thus our story begins!
I mentioned earlier that what happens to Adriana isn’t fully described in the cover; yes, a guy named Aldric does somehow manage to summon her (a fact that shouldn’t be possible) and she does have to hide her identity from him (and the rest of the mage college). But it’s much more than that – she’s effectively his slave during this time. She can’t resist any command he gives her, and he doesn’t treat her humanely (expecting her to eat animal food off the floor and such). Thankfully, while he doesn’t treat her well, he doesn’t take full advantage of the situation either (though some of the mages suggested he do so…so there’s that). The whole situation is pretty upsetting and emotional, on the whole. So I just want people to be a bit more aware of what they’re going into here.
Demon Princess really is a quick read, but considering the emotional roller coaster this book puts you through, I was actually perfectly content with that fact (if not grateful). This prevented me from being upset overly long, which is very much appreciated (and I really did find myself getting distressed for her in a few points).
I think Demon Princess could have benefitted from some further world building. I didn’t really understand how the different kingdoms interact; and it wasn’t until late in the novel that I realized that demons and humans are in the same realm (though I’m not terribly confident about that fact either). Many characters, or more superficially, roles were introduced throughout, but since they’re only being set up (presumably for later novels) I didn’t fully grasp their importance (or why there were so many of them).
I wasn’t sure I was going to like Adriana’s character at first – her emotions seemed really close to the surface more often than not, but she grew on me in the end. I found myself worried about her safety and upset about the conditions she’s put in. I also respected her determination – she was in a situation where I feel like many would have given up hope, but she flat out refused to even consider that idea. I respect that.
The introduction of the trio of guys that could potentially stand against Adraina and the demon kingdom (I’d love a formal title for their team, it would make talking about them much easier) was pretty interesting. Having one of those in the trio also be her love interest? Smart. It should add some conflicts of interest later in the series. Or at least that’s what I’m assuming will happen.
I’m assuming based on all of the groundwork put down already that the future books will do more world building, as well as spend some time fleshing out the secondary characters. If that’s the case I think this series could end up having a lot of potential. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks